Looking for a Podiatrist in Actur?

At Corpore Zaragoza, we assist with all foot and gait-related issues.

After conducting a thorough medical history (essentially an interview to understand the problem you’re looking to resolve), we will proceed with a physical evaluation to provide you with a complete diagnosis.

With this information, our podiatrist in Actur will be able to offer much better assistance and provide a treatment plan focused on improving your quality of life.

It’s important to keep in mind (and this is a fact) that problems originating in the foot or gait will affect every structure above it, meaning the rest of the body (knee, hip, spine issues, etc.).


Podiatric Surgery

Podiatric surgery involves the correction of structural anatomical changes resulting from biomechanical alterations, as long as it does not require hospital admission (minor surgery).



Infiltration involves introducing a liquid into the body where the injury requires it. There are many substances that can be infiltrated, such as saline solution, dextrose, corticosteroids, anesthetics, and these can be combined for optimal results.

One specific type of infiltration is hydrodisection, used in certain cases of neuropathy (primarily those caused by compression of the tibial nerve, such as tarsal tunnel syndrome).


A biopsy consists of extracting tissue from the body to examine it and determine the presence or absence of disease.


The use of ultrasound aids both in the diagnosis of foot pathology and in the treatment of invasive techniques (mainly infiltrations and dry needling).


Chiropody encompasses both the surgical treatment of a lesion or a group of lesions, as well as the treatment of dermatological conditions or skin and nail disorders, such as onychocryptosis, onychomycosis, superficial infections, and more.

In the presence of nail lesions, it is possible to perform a culture of the lesions to determine their origin.


After a complete biomechanical examination, the podiatrist can create fully customized and tailored orthotic insoles (foot arch supports) using various techniques and materials. The goal is to address the different pathomechanical conditions that each patient may present.

Diabetic Foot

Diabetic patients may develop conditions derived from the chronic complications of diabetes, a condition known as Diabetic Foot. Due to the severity of this pathology, it is recommended that all diabetic patients visit a podiatrist, either as prevention for the development of diabetic foot, for diabetic education, and/or for the treatment of any existing lesions.

Children’s Feet

During the development and growth of children, it is essential for their feet, as the foundation of support, to function properly. If any deficiencies are observed during walking, it is advisable to visit a podiatrist.

Additionally, children often experience skin problems caused by infections (usually by the papillomavirus, leading to warts) and nail issues due to improper nail trimming (onychocryptosis).

Our aim is to provide a treatment tailored to each individual in order to achieve our primary objective
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